Learn about Surface Mount Resistors. The mailin Resistor pemasangan permukaan adalah komponen elektronik kecil yang mengatur aliran arus listrik melalui suatu sirkuit. Pemasangan di permukaan menunjukkan bahwa resistor ini diletakkan di bagian depan papan sirkuit, alih-alih disolder melalui lubang seperti resistor kabel model lama. Desain milik perusahaan ini akan membantu mengurangi jejak perangkat sekaligus membuatnya lebih hemat energi.
Sangat kecil sehingga termasuk bola dunia elektronik dari pandangan mata burung. Karena ukurannya yang kecil Resistor pemasangan permukaan, mereka dapat dengan mudah digunakan di banyak perangkat tanpa menghabiskan banyak ruang.
Ini berarti mereka dapat menampung lebih banyak listrik sebelum rusak. Resistor pemasangan permukaan juga umumnya bertahan lebih lama, mengingat mereka tertanam kuat di bagian atas motherboard Anda. Tidak seperti resistor yang longgar di masa lalu.
Sangat penting untuk memilih resistor yang dipasang di permukaan yang sesuai untuk proyek Anda. Memilih Resistor pemasangan permukaan jenis yang salah mungkin tidak berfungsi atau bermasalah dengan perangkat Anda.
Saat masalah terjadi, resistor ini dapat membatasi arus yang mengalir ke area yang rusak, sehingga komponen lain tidak rusak. Resistor pemasangan permukaan suatu komponen memiliki terlalu banyak listrik yang mengalir melaluinya. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan komponen tersebut rusak atau menjadi panas, yang akan memengaruhi aspek lain dari kinerjanya dalam perangkat Anda.
In the PCBA one-stop service, we put a lot of emphasis on the value of "customized services for each client". We offer exclusive, one-on-one professional consultation services to ensure every Surface mount resistor can receive tailored solutions. Our expert team can provide various solutions, from the initial exploratory phase to confirmation of specifications. They collaborate closely with the customer, adapt service processes flexibly and meet various requirements for projects, basic or intricate, with innovative thinking and technological power.
Hangzhou Hezhan Technology Co., Ltd. Surface mount resistor in 2009 has an impressive factory covering 6,000 square meters, complete with cleanrooms that are specifically created to facilitate electronic manufacturing. company specialized in electronic surface mounting and relied on extensive industry knowledge order to offer customers an all-in-one PCBA.The company employs approximately 150 employees. This includes production staff of about 100, a R D, sales, management team roughly 50 employees, and a special OEM division. Hezhan Technology, with an annual revenue over 50 million yuan, witnessed significant growth in the last couple years. The company's average annual growth rate for the last three years more than 50%, suggesting that is in a rapid expansion phase.
We are specialized in Surface mount resistor a solid consignment quality and service for your PCBA single-stop requirements for delivery. Linked to the highest-quality SMT mounting technology rigorous quality inspection packaging, into the capacity for DIP plugin processing, and PCBA testing because a vital process to ensure the manufacturing and delivery quality. FCT testing fixtures are created and tested according to customer created testing points programs steps. Each ring is rigorously adheres to international quality, that means that those items delivered is of high end and endurance that was long-term.
are a PCBA rapid-delivery service provider that redefines standards speed and efficiency. We have optimized supply chain management well as improved production processes dramatically reduce the delivery time of batch orders to only 10 days. This is a major Surface mount resistor over industry standards. Because of the urgent demands we introduced the express service for small batch orders with a turnaround time of just 72 hours. This allows your projects progress quickly, and you can take advantage of the opportunities on the market.
Bisa jadi resistor pemasangan permukaannya rusak. Masalah terjadi saat resistor menjadi terlalu panas. Jika resistor tidak berada di tempat yang tinggi untuk menghilangkan daya yang cukup dan terletak di dekat sumber panas lain, hal ini mungkin terjadi. Pembumian Resistor pemasangan permukaan out could be another issue. A damaged or loosened surface-mount resistor can go as far too short and this will be equal to a destroyed resistor, possibly catching fire. If resistor device doing something funny the surface-mount resistors they may not be working properly.