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Aktiewe elektroniese komponente

Functional principles of active electronic components, in a time long ago, prior to the invention of electronics. People managed without using the modern conveniences we depend on now. Nevertheless, electronic components are ubiquitous in our modern world. The elektroniese komponente word gebruik om die vloei van elektrisiteit in ons slimfone, skootrekenaars en verskeie huishoudelike toestelle soos mikrogolwe of yskaste te reguleer. Aktiewe elektroniese komponente, anders as passiewe komponente, benodig krag om doeltreffend en effektief te werk. Hulle moet óf deur batterye aangedryf word óf by die muur ingeprop word. Dit word bereik deur verskeie take tydens werking uit te voer, soos om seine te verbeter en 'n reeks frekwensies te gebruik om die funksionaliteit van ons toestelle moontlik te maak.   


Active electronic components play a crucial role in contemporary society. The ability to communicate is made possible by communication technology. Without elektriese en elektroniese komponente of mailin, items like cell phones and the internet that are necessary for our daily routines would not exist. They are responsible for much of the entertainment we enjoy, such as watching our favorite TV shows and movies, listening to our favorite music, and playing video games. 

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